Monday, December 15, 2008

Treatment For ADHD - Winning Alternatives to Drugs

With millions of children diagnosed with ADHD, it is frankly astounding that most parents believe that psychotropic drugs are the only treatment for ADHD available. This is especially disturbing because each one of those drugs comes with a variety of alarming side effects. Anorexia, stunted growth, stomach pain, vomiting, social withdrawal, anxiety, headaches, rapid heart rate, chest pain, blood pressure problems, are just some of the more common side effects. Long term consequences of using ADHD drugs are subject of much controversy, but may include depression and substance abuse. Fortunately, as thousands of parents can confirm, you do have options if you are looking for a safe and effective alternative treatment for ADHD.

Herbs have been in use for centuries to support healthy brain function. Some herbs commonly used as treatment for ADHD are: Kava kava (calms and helps with anxiety, stress and insomnia); Passionflower (has calming effects); Ginko biloba (improves the use of glucose and blood flow in the brain); Skullcap (antispasmodic, helps with insomnia); St John's Wort (helps with depression and anxiety).

When used properly, herbs are a very safe and effective alternative treatment for ADHD, but some words of caution are in order. Buy herbs and herbal preparations from reputable manufacturers only. Make sure you understand just how and why you are using an herb. To avoid any adverse reactions, research possible interaction with any medication and be very meticulous when calculating dosages for children.

Homeopathy is commonly recommended in many doctors' offices throughout the world as a first line treatment for a variety of disorders. Homeopathic remedies are safe, non-addictive and natural and there are no interactions and side effects to worry about. Most importantly, they work.

Studies have shown that homeopathic remedies can help resolve ADHD symptoms. In a lot of cases, those symptoms did not come back even after the children stopped taking the remedies. You can choose individual homeopathic remedies, or combination remedies specifically formulated for a particular disorder such as ADHD. These remedies help with ADHD symptoms such as lack of focus and attention, hyperactivity, anxiety, temper tantrums etc.

Any pharmaceutical treatment for ADHD can only suppress the symptoms of this disorder. Homeopathic remedies, on the other hand, are formulated to address the underlying causes of ADHD. They calm and soothe the nervous system and help the body correct its systemic imbalances.

Bach flower remedies use essences of flowers and plants to address particular emotional and mental states. They, too, are extremely safe and can be used in conjunction with other therapies. There are 38 essences altogether, which you can use either in combination or singly. Get a guide at your health food store and choose remedies appropriate for your child's mental state.

Treatment for ADHD does not have to be dangerous, harmful or man-made to be effective. Take the hazards of ADHD drugs seriously, consider the positive experiences so many other parents have had, and decide whether an alternative treatment for ADHD may be right for your child.

Svetlana Gibarac has been researching natural remedies for various health conditions for many years. She is a Certified Holistic Health Counselor and a member of the American Association of Drugless Practitioners. She contributes regularly to, a site discussing some of the most promising natural treatments for ADHD. If you are interested in finding out about alternatives to harsh medication, visit the site to learn more.

Svetlana Gibarac - EzineArticles Expert Author

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